
25 Random Things About Me!

Until I get creative enough to really blog again...

1. I make lists every single day. One of the most satisfying things to me is marking items off of said lists. In fact, sometimes I list things I've already accomplished just so that I can immediately mark them off.

2. I find it very difficult to focus, relax or work if (a) there are dirty dishes in the sink (b) the bathrooms need to be cleaned or (c) if there is laundry to be done.

3. In college I would often do all of my laundry, fold it, display it on my bed and then leave it there to admire for a few days. Once sleeping on the couch got old, I'd put away the laundry.

4. I love Neiman Marcus, but a trip to CVS or Walgreens is ALMOST equally satisfying - something about grabbing the latest InStyle, a pack of twizzlers, a new eye lash curler and pointy Q-tips all at the same place really excites me!

5. I refuse to leave the house without sunscreen on my face.

6. I am a TV junkie. Working from home is very difficult sometimes.

7. I firmly believe that everything J.J. Abrams touches turns to gold.

8. I am obsessed with Felicity and I secretly hope J.J. Abrams will make Felicity the Movie! (See no.7)

9. I want Cory to take me to Lego Land and The Harry Potter theme park.

10. My mom and I go to Golightly's Antique Gallery at least once a week and it never gets old.

11. If cupcakes were healthy, I'd eat one with every meal.

12. I miss my Maryland friends desperately and can't wait to visit them this spring!

13. I consider my handbag purchases investments.

14. I collect stationery.

15. I have an affinity for snail-mail.

16. I am afraid of WebMD.

17. I love to read about true crime. I've read everything about Scott Peterson, OJ Simpson and Dahmer.

18. I am fascinated by mass transportation and hope to experience it again soon.

19. I am notorious for giving gifts as soon as I buy them and having to purchase another for the actual celebration/special occasion.

20. I live less than 10 miles from my parents, inlaws and two sets of grandparents! And, I love it!

21. I've been told that Cory and I look alike by quite a few people. I think it's just the glasses. :)

22. I believe in having too many little black dresses and pajamas. (Also, I wish it were socially acceptable to wear pjs out in public. Not that that has stopped me.)

23. My maternal grandma is a twin and my sisters-in-law are twins! It would be fun to have twins.

24. I love when my hair is styled, but I HATE doing my hair. This I am trying to overcome.

25. I love playing with stickers, rolled up tape, labels and any other one-sided sticky thing. I have done this since I was very, very small. My mom used to find little rolled up pieces of tape on the floor and is probably really happy that my addicition no longer messes up her vacuum cleaner. Once, for Christmas, I requested a scotch tape multipack from Sam's and Santa came through! No one knows what is wrong with me.

I think I definitely saved the best/strangest for last.